Why NOT To Wait

Zack Pringle
November 5, 2023
Why NOT To Wait


Every week we hear people say, "As soon as I get fit, I'm going to give CrossFit a try." Or maybe "Once the kids soccer season is over, I'm going to get in the gym." Or one of a hundred other versions of "I know I should do this thing, but I'm not going to do it now - maybe later." So, since there is no shortage of "reasons" (excuses) to procrastinate the start of your fitness journey - here are 3 reasons why NOT to wait.


Odds are if you aren't already in great shape - it's not going to be easy for you to reach your goals on your own. What program are you going to follow? How do you warm up? How much weight should you use? Are your feet too wide on that squat? You could research and learn all of those things on your own - but the fastest and shortest route from where you are, to where you want to be is to have an expert guide.

Our coaches have thousands of hours of coaching experience, and have helped hundreds of people just like you find their fitness. We have every aspect of your fitness life mapped out and ready for you - all you have to do is show up and follow along. No more wandering through the gym looking for a machine you know how to use, no more trying to find a workout program online. Just a coach who knows your name, your goals, and the way to get you there.


You need accountability, and you need it right away. And while you can try and find accountability on your own - it's already baked into the equation at CrossFit Thunderhead. It comes in 3 flavors. Accountability from your coach - your coach knows your goals and your plan. If you aren't sticking to the plan you WILL hear from them. Accountability from your friends - your classmates know that you missed Wednesday because it was burpee day, they will make sure you know, they know (in a fun way). Finally from your bank account - having a financial stake in the game helps people take their commitment seriously.


This is the big one! Life is about momentum & the thing about momentum is that it gains strength over time. If you have been making healthy lifestyle choices with diet and exercise for the last 5 years - that positive momentum is really hard to break. If you go on vacation, or get sick for a week - it's no big deal because you have enough momentum to carry you through.

Negative momentum works the same way. If you have been sedentary for five years it is going to take a major shake-up to reverse your course. With every passing day the negative momentum builds, and the harder it becomes to turn the ship around.

WAITING IS NOT A NEUTRAL ACT!! There are only two gears - forward and reverse. You are either actively pursuing your health, or passively watching it slip away. Don't fool yourself - there is no time to wait!

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