Goals, Process, & The CrossFit Method

Zack Pringle
June 6, 2022
Goals, Process, & The CrossFit Method

It’s the time of year where lots of us are setting goals, and setting our intentions for the New Year. I love the fact that some of those goals are fitness related, and I plan on working my butt off to help you achieve yours. BUT - let’s take a minute to put these goals in their proper place.

I’m going to be talking about physical goals, but I think most of these ideas apply to a resolution or goal you set for yourself. Let’s say your goal is to get your first pull up, or to lose 15 pounds, or run an 8 minute mile. Those are great goals - you can measure them, there is a time table, they are achievable. Good job! Now I want you to put them waaaaaaay in the back of your brain, and shift your focus.

Our focus should not be on the goal itself, but the process. What’s the process when it comes to your CrossFit goals? When you zoom way out at a good CrossFit program, this is what it should provide: increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains. So, guess what? Your physical goal is included in what CrossFit provides. Run faster, lift heavier, better bodyweight to strength ratio, better endurance, specific physical skills - any goal on your list is included in the aim of the total program.

Now, when you zoom way out, what are you are responsible for? How do you make sure you get the results that the program is designed to give, and reach the goals that you set for yourself? I boil it down to two things: be consistent, and move better. Focusing on those two things should be the process that gets you to your goals.

There are a lot of factors that allow you to be consistent, and that allow you to move better - and we will be diving into those factors more later. But for now, as you set off toward your 2021 goals, I want to encourage you to trust the process. Let’s Go!

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